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Eurocoding, historical partner of TSC Printronix Auto ID, received the TSC Welcome Pack as official TSC distributor in the EMEA area.

The Welcome Pack increases the number of awards and recognitions obtained by Eurocoding over the years for the commitment shown in promoting and marketing the TSC brand in Italy and abroad.

The relationship between Eurocoding and TSC started in year 2000.

In fact, Eurocoding is the first importer in Europe of TSC branded printers.

In 2000, the Eurocoding management was the first to understand the potential of the brand and decided to import and test the first models of desktop printers in its laboratory in Gallarate.

From there Eurocoding decides to engage itself in the development and promotion of TSC in collaboration with the Taiwanese company, focusing on its network of resellers in Italy. Following the first important successes in Italy, Eurocoding is active in promoting and making TSC known outside the country, becoming the first TSC distributor in countries such as France, Germany, Poland, England, Ireland, Norway up to South Africa.

With the birth of the TSC subsidiary in Germany, Eurocoding develops an even stronger collaboration with European partners in order to help each other expand the value of the brand throughout the EMEA area.

In 2015 TSC acquires the Printronix brand with the aim of enriching its offer in a high-end and highly specialized market sector for high-volume and mission-critical applications.

This interesting acquisition allows Eurocoding to specialize also in the sale of RFID printers, the flagship of Printronix's offer.

Eurocoding has received for several years awards and recognitions during the TSC Partner Meetings thanks to its role as historical distributor and the volumes of turnover generated, which allow us to define ourselves, after years and despite growing competition, as the largest Italian distributor of the brand.

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